心扉: way of thinking让雷锋精神永驻心间: let the lei feng spirit be in your heart year-round永驻: always there长驻心头: always on my mind青春永驻: forever young; theme form dying young敞开心扉: open one's mind to; open up your mind; open your heart打开心扉: open feel; open heart; open one; open up my heart动人心扉: move one's heart关上心扉: closer to my heart轻叩我心扉: lightly tapping my sorrowed heart痛彻心扉: djweiko remix; weiko remix小憩的心扉: de battre mon coeur s'est arrete让伤痛进驻心底: making room for the harrows to come你将永驻在我心中: in my heart you'll always stay帮我打开心扉: helping me open my mind唱彻心扉-黑鸭子: ape进入你的心扉: take me to your heart轻叩心扉之门: veni creator spiritus把我带进你的心扉: take me to your heart帮助我打开心扉: helping me open my mind我的心扉已然敞开: my mind is wide open因为你,你打开我心扉: cause you, you've opened my heart,照耀心扉的樱花: special pack永坠地狱的灵魂;堕落的人。: lost souls永资: eisuke永铸模: permanent mold