Huang jianping , gao yongzheng lu zhizhong 黄建平,高永正,陆治中
Chen yongzheng was born in maoming city , guangdong province in 1941 陈永正,一九四一年生,广东茂名人。
Aiming at world - class status with strong emphasis on scientific research , as pointed out by principal koh yong chiah , the school will require that all the instructors have a good grasp of the necessary know - how before they can help their students properly 许永正校长说,因为华中要成为世界级的学府,重视科学研究,很多做研究的程序,教师要先掌握,才能指导学生,因此有这个再进修的必要。
In 1997 , pro zhang constructed four class of simple finite dimension cartan - type modular lie superalgebras : w , s , h , k . and gave a supposition of the classification of modular lie superalgebras of finite dimension . now someone found the fifth class simple finite dimension cartan - type modular lie superalgebras ho 在1997年,张永正教授构造了四类有限维单cartan型模李超代数: w , s , h , k ,并提出一个关于有限维单模李超代数分类的猜想。
永: perpetually; forever; always正: the first month of the lunar ...惠永正: hui yongzheng李永正: li yongzheng万永正: wan yongzheng王永正: wang yongzheng张永正: yongzheng zhang佘永正: she yongzheng东莞永正大酒店提案: rar永之: gungnir; hisayuki; nagayuki永贞: nagasada永之辅: einosuke永真蕴含: tautological implication永之佑: einosuke永真问题: validity problem永之元: naganomoto永真式 重言式: tautology永之约: amarantine永真式: identically true formula