

发音:   用"永不录用"造句
  • dishonorable discharge
  • 永不:    never
  • 录用:    employ; give a post to sb.; ...
  • 录用:    employ; give a post to sb.; take on; take sb. on the staff; recruit; engage 应该根据能力而不是容貌来录用飞机上的女服务员。 stewardesses on planes should be employed for their ability, not for their looks
  • 永不:    never 永不掉队 never drop behind; 永不后悔 never look back
  • 录用;雇用:    hire


        永不:    never
        录用:    employ; give a post to sb.; ...
        录用:    employ; give a post to sb.; take on; take sb. on the staff; recruit; engage 应该根据能力而不是容貌来录用飞机上的女服务员。 stewardesses on planes should be employed for their ability, not for their looks
        永不:    never 永不掉队 never drop behind; 永不后悔 never look back
        录用;雇用:    hire
        录用函:    employ letter
        有功不赏,有劳不录:    Merit goes unrewarded and distinguished service uncited.
        有功不赏有劳不录:    merit goes unrewarded and distinguished service uncited
        记录用的:    recording
        记录用格纸:    lined brief
        记录用墨水:    recording ink
        量才录用:    hire personnel on the basis of their abilities; adopt a merit system instead of a spoils system; appoint people with talent and ability to their respective positions; assign jobs to people according to their abilities; employ people according to their several abilities with no regard for party lines; employ people according to their talents; employ people on the basis of their merits; give sb.employment commensurate with his ability [abilities; capacities]; give sb.work according to his ability [merits]; give sb.work suited to his abilities; make appointments to a post according to qualifications
        录用标准:    employment criteria; employment standard
        录用分数线:    cutoff score
        录用通知书:    offer letter
        录用循环:    canned cycle
        录用证明:    employment credential
        录用职工:    recruitment of staff and workers
        录用质量:    quality of thd hire
        破格录用:    break a rule to engage sb
        弃瑕录用:    overlook sb.'s flaws and enlist him -- use a capable man in spite of his faults; neglect sb.'s flaws and enlist him
        择优录用:    priority in the selection of recruits from (among young people); appoint people according to their merits; enlist those who have done well in examination; recruit workers on a selective basis; select employee according to requirement; select for employment on the basis of one's qualification
        招聘与录用:    employment and hire
        从不, 永不:    never ever
        从未;永不:    never


  1. "永不会有快乐结局"英文
  2. "永不技术,我买了一本新书,改为每2或3周"英文
  3. "永不结婚一族"英文
  4. "永不结束的故事"英文
  5. "永不离去"英文
  6. "永不满足的求知欲"英文
  7. "永不磨灭"英文
  8. "永不磨损系列表"英文
  9. "永不气馁"英文
  10. "永不轻易崩溃"英文


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