水肿: hydroncus; edema; oedema; dr ...痛风: arthrolithiasis; gout; urath ...水肿性痛风: edematous gout肿痛: gall痛风: arthrolithiasis; gout; urathritis; dominus merborum; tophus手肿痛: chiralgia膝肿痛: swelling and pain in knee肿痛的: angry水肿: hydroncus; edema; oedema; dropsy胞睑肿痛: swelling and pain of the eyelid暴赤肿痛眼: acute contagious conjunctivitis齿龈肿痛: gingivitis龟头肿痛: balanitis口舌肿痛: swelling and pain of the mouth and tongue目赤肿痛: conjunctive congestion with swelling and pain; conjunctive congeston with swelling and pain; redness swelling and pain of the eye外阴肿痛: pain and swelling of the external genitalia下体肿痛: lower tumescent pain牙龈肿痛: swelling in the gum咽喉肿痛: swelling and sore throat阴户肿痛: swelling and pain of vulva; vulvitis肢节肿痛: oncotic arthralgia of limbs肿痛发炎的: angry足背肿痛: swelling and pain of the dorsum of the foot足胫肿痛: algesic edema of feet and legs足跗肿痛: pain of the dorsum of the foot