水稻: paddy; rice螟虫: snout moth's larva和: mix; blend稻瘟病: rice blast水稻螟虫: rice stem borer稻杆 (a rice-stem borer 水稻螟虫)。: rice-stem稻螟虫: paddy borers; rice borer稻瘟病: (亦称“稻热病”) rice blast稻瘟病菌: pyricularia grisea/pyricularia oryzae稻瘟病菌簿: pyricularia oryzae virus拟稻瘟病: false rice blast穗颈稻瘟病: neck rot disease of rice; rotten neck; rotten of neck稻瘟病菌病毒: pyricularia oryzae virus稻瘟病测报调查规范: rules for investigation and forecast of the rice blast一个典型的稻瘟病病斑: a tytical blast lesion稻螟: rice borer防治稻螟虫用接触性有机磷杀虫剂: fenitrothion瘟病: [中医] seasonal febrile diseases和稻米: rice稻螟蛉: rice green caterpillar; rice green semilooper小稻螟: small moth borer of sugarcane水稻: paddy (rice); rice 中国是世界上最早种植水稻的国家。 浙江省余姚县河姆渡遗址, 距今已6,000多年。在这个遗址中发现分布遍及400平方米的水稻遗物, 证明中国是最早种植水稻的国家。 china was the first country in the world to plant rice. this is evident in the remains of rice covering an area of 400 square metres found in the ruins of hemudu in yuyao county, zhejiang province, which dates back more than 6,000 years.; 水稻拔秧机 nursery planter puller; rice seedling puller; 水稻插秧机 rice planter; rice transplanting machine; rice transplanter; 水稻土 paddy soil; rice soil; 水稻秧田 rice seedling bed; 水稻遗传学 rice genetics; 水稻育秧设备 rice nursery equipment; 水稻直播机 paddy planter谷瘟病 粟瘟病: milletblast稻瘟净: ebp; kitazine稻瘟灵: isoprothiolane