The three girls in the beaver bonnets were no handsomer than the turnips that skirted the roadside . 那三位戴水獭皮帽的小姐,她们生的跟大路两旁的萝卜差不多。
My jacket is made of otter skins 我的皮夹克是用水獭皮做的。
You are - he stopped , ran his eye over my dress , which , as usual , was quite simple : a black merino cloak , a black beaver bonnet ; neither of them half fine enough for a lady s - maid 你是”他打住了,目光掠过我照例十分朴实的衣服,我披着黑色美利奴羊毛斗篷,戴着顶黑水獭皮帽,这两件东西远远没有太太的佣人衣服那么讲究。