Water tree of power cable is a fractal structure , which is attribute to diffusion - limited aggregation model 推断电缆的水树具有分形结构,属于有限扩散凝聚生长模型。
In the third chapter , making use of the results about abel equation , we discuss the existence , number and stability of the limit cycles of polynomial systems . the relative work of shui shuliang and cai suilin is generalized 第三章利用abel方程已有的结果来讨论多项式系统的极限环的存在性,个数和稳定性,推广了水树良和蔡燧林的相关工作。
Completed in 1690 in the qing dynasty , the mansion comprises hills , ponds and pavilions , etc . the antithetical couplets of 180 words written by sun ran , a poet of the qing dynasty are the longest of the kind in china 太华寺始建于元代,由天王殿大雄宝殿缥缈楼一碧万顷阁水树长廊及南北厢房组成。大华寺素以花木繁茂著称,寺内名花荟萃,争奇斗艳,尤以山茶玉兰最有名。