

发音:   用"水库淤积速度"造句
  • reservoir sediment accumulation rate
  • 水库淤积:    reservoir sedimentation
  • 速度:    velocity; speed; blast; bat
  • 水库淤积:    reservoir deposits; reservoir sedimentation; reservoir silting; sedimentation of reservoir; silting of reservoir
  • 水库淤积量:    reservoir sedimentation volume
  • 淤积速度:    sediment accumulation rate; sedimentation accumulation rate


        水库淤积:    reservoir sedimentation
        速度:    velocity; speed; blast; bat
        水库淤积:    reservoir deposits; reservoir sedimentation; reservoir silting; sedimentation of reservoir; silting of reservoir
        水库淤积量:    reservoir sedimentation volume
        淤积速度:    sediment accumulation rate; sedimentation accumulation rate
        水库淤积测量:    reservoir sedimentation survey
        水库淤积计算:    computation of reservoir sedimentation
        水库淤积年限:    ultimate life of reser-voir
        水库淤积作用:    reservoir sedimentation
        淤积速率:    sedimentation rate
        水库淤沙量:    amount of reservoir de-posits
        海湾淤积速率:    speed of silting up in harbour
        沉积速度:    deposit rate; deposition rate; deposition velocity; depositionrate; depotition rate; rate of deposition; sedimentation velocity; speed of deposition
        干沉积速度:    dry deposition velocity
        面积速度:    areal velocity; sector velocity; velocity area
        沈积速度:    deposition velocity
        沈积速度法:    sedimentation-velocity
        声体积速度:    acoustic volume velocity
        体积速度:    volume velocity; volumetric velocity
        库淤:    reservoir deposition
        面积速度测流法:    area velocity method
        声媒质体积速度:    sound volume velocity
        淤积:    silting-up; deposit; sedimentation 淤积泥滞 become filled with silt; 洪水过后, 地里淤积了一层泥浆。 when the flood subsided, it left a layer of mud in the fields.; 淤积层 sediment deposit; 淤积土 warp; 淤积物 drift
        沉积速率:    deposition rate; rate of deformation; rate of deposition; rate of sedimentation; sedimentation rate
        淀积速率:    deposition rate


  1. "水库淤积"英文
  2. "水库淤积测量"英文
  3. "水库淤积计算"英文
  4. "水库淤积量"英文
  5. "水库淤积年限"英文
  6. "水库淤积作用"英文
  7. "水库淤沙量"英文
  8. "水库渔业"英文
  9. "水库预报调度"英文
  10. "水库运行过程"英文


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