

发音:   用"水平展开"造句
  • horizontal development


  1. The background and signification of the object in this paper , the content and the applied way have been summarized in the preface . in article 2 , the general situation of the development with the modern products flow , the pattern of the chinese traditional enterprises products flow management and applied status of the marketing forecast and analysis the chinese enterprises with products flow management , hi article 3 , the way to increase standard of the marketing forecast and analysis have been discussed , and also the effect of the marketing forecast for the decision - making . in article 4 , the evaluation of the marketing forecast and analysis has been discussed


        水平:    horizontal; level standard; ...
        展开:    develop; spread; spread out; ...
        平展:    ( of land, etc.) open and flat; setting-out◇平展机 striking-out machine
        展开的,扩张的,展平的,平展的:    expanded
        平展的:    applanate; equatorial; horizontal
        平展机:    putting-out machine; setting-out machine
        展开:    1.(张开) develop; spread; spread out; unfold; open up; unwind; amplify; decoil; development; expansion; explosion; evolution; stretching; fanning 展开画卷 unfold a picture scroll2.(大规模地进行) launch; unfold; develop; carry out 展开攻势 unfold an offensive; 展开竞赛 launch an emulation drive; 展开法 method of development; expansion method; 展开剂 solvent; eluant; developer; 展开角 [物理学] angle of spread; 展开率 sheetage; 展开面 developed surface; extended surface; 展开图 development; exploded view; expansion graph; 展开战斗 [军事] deployment for action
        鼓型平展机:    drum setting-out machine
        平展界面:    flattened interface; flattenedinterface
        平展卡片:    flat chart
        平展罗汉:    flat pyramid
        平展行集:    flattened rowset; flattenedrowset
        叶面平展部分:    flat part of the leaf
        展开,展开图:    developed view
        平展挤水两用机:    combined putting-out and wringing machine
        水平:    1.(跟水面平行的) horizontal;level2.(达到的高度) standard; level 生产水平 level of production; 思想水平 ideological level; 文化水平高 high cultural level; highly-educated; 水平部分 horizontal component; 水平测试 horizontal checkout; 水平飞行 [军事] run; 水平分布 horizontal distribution; 水平轰炸 horizontal bombing; [军事] level bombing; droop-snoot; 水平轰炸机 droop-snoot; 水平晃动 horizontal jitter; 水平距离 horizontal range; horizon range; 水平坑道 adit; 水平拉力 horizontal pull; 水平拉线 horizontal guy; 水平贸易 horizontal trade; 水平上升 ascent; 水平射程 [军事] horizontal range; 水平射击 grazing fire; 水平天线 horizontal antenna; 水平仪 spirit level; level-meter; level gauge; levelling instrument; 水平运动 horizontal movement; 水平坐标 horizontal coordinate
        拔展,展开:    expansion
        百出,展开:    in the hope of / that
        板展开:    plate development
        爆发,展开:    explosion
        波展开:    wave spread
        部署,展开:    deploy
        发动,展开:    unleash
        宏展开:    macro expansion
        开动;展开。:    set going



  1. "水平轧机"英文
  2. "水平轧线"英文
  3. "水平轧线[航迹"英文
  4. "水平摘锭"英文
  5. "水平摘锭式摘棉装置"英文
  6. "水平站进"英文
  7. "水平张节理"英文
  8. "水平丈量"英文
  9. "水平障碍声纳"英文
  10. "水平照明"英文


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