Germanic norfloxacin was prepared for the first time via the reaction of sodium norfloxacin and germanic chloride in pyridine solvent , yield90 首次以吡啶作溶剂,用氟哌酸钠与四氯化锗反应,合成了氟哌酸锗,收率90 。
Co . , taizhou zhenggang dyestuff co . , ltd . now dankong owns above 950 employees , 238 million cny of total asset , 210 , 000sq . meter of land area , 48 , 100sq . meter of built - up area . main products include reactive dyestuff , acid dyestuff series and cardiovascular , antibiotic series 主导产品活性染料kn - r 200间位酯溴氨酸氨基油氟哌酸分别占全球总销售量的60 %以上。
If defecate time is much , when working when defecate rare won ' t do form , can take sick at heart of pai of amoxilin , fluorine a kind of antibiotic 3 5 days , can eliminate bowel unusual bacterium is active inside the path and ferment produce gas to cause bilge gas and defecate deformed phenomenon 假如大便次数多,大便时干时稀不成形,可服用阿莫西林、氟哌酸一类抗生素3 5天,可消除肠道内异常细菌活跃而发酵产气引起胀气及大便不成形的现象。