

发音:   用"气象百叶箱"造句
  • i trument shelter
  • weather shelter


        气象:    meteorological phenomena met ...
        百叶箱:    thermometer screen; instrume ...
        气象观测百叶箱:    meteorological shelter
        百叶箱:    [气象学] thermometer screen; instrument shelter (安置测定空气温度和湿度仪器的木箱)◇百叶箱温度表 shelter-thermometer
        气象观测仪器的百叶箱:    instrument screen
        百叶箱温度:    screen temperature
        仪表百叶箱:    instrument shelter
        仪器百叶箱:    thermoscreen
        遮盖;遮蓬;百叶箱:    shelter
        斯蒂文森百叶箱 百叶箱:    stevensonscreen
        百叶箱温度表:    shelf thermometer; shelter thermometer
        百叶箱温度计:    shelter thermometer; shelter thermometre
        气温计百叶箱:    thermometer screen
        温度计百叶箱:    thermometer screen
        斯蒂芬生百叶箱:    stevenson screen
        斯蒂文森百叶箱:    stevenson screen
        防锈材料百叶箱试验方法:    shed storage exposure test-testing method for rust-proof material
        百叶:    1.[方言] (豆汁制成的薄张, 又叫“千张”) a cake of many thin layers, made of bean curds2.(牛羊等反刍动物的胃做食品时的名称) cow's or sheep's tripe
        茶叶箱:    tea chest
        轮叶箱:    impeller casing
        气象:    1.(大气现象) meteorological phenomena2.(气象学) meteorology3.(情景) atmosphere; scene 生气勃勃的新气象 a new and dynamic atmosphere; 一派繁荣的气象 a scene of prosperity; 气象部门 meteorological department; 气象船 weather ship; 气象飞机 weather aircraft; 气象服务 meteorological service; 气象工作者 meteorologist; 气象观测 meteorological observation; 气象观测船 weather observation ship; 气象广播 meteorological broadcast; 气象火箭 meteorological rocket; 气象局 weather bureau; meteorological agency; meteorological office; meterorological service; 气象雷达 weather radar; meteorological radar; 气象气球 meteorological balloon; 气象哨 meteorological post; 气象数据 meteorological data; 气象台站 meteorological station; 气象探测 meteorological detection; 气象探测气球 meteorological balloon; 气象卫星 [航空] meteorological satellite; weather satellite; 气象卫星地面站 meteorological satellite ground station; 气象学 meteorology; 气象学家 meteorologist; 气象预报 weather forecast; 气象预报广播 weather service; 气象员 weatherman; 气象灾害 meteorological disaster; 气象站 weather station; climatological station; meteorological station; 气象资料 meteorological data
        轮叶壳,轮叶箱:    impeller casing (or box)
        百叶板:    louver boards
        百叶穿:    jalousie
        百叶窗:    window-shades; shades; window-blinds; blinds; blind window; louver window; jalousie; louver; shutter; back-flap; back-fold; back-shutter (兼能通风和遮阴的窗扇)◇百叶窗板 boxing shutter; 百叶窗材料 shuttering; 百叶窗 (形)干扰 venetian-blind interference; 百叶窗固定器 blindfast; 百叶窗炉 louver type oven; 百叶窗效应 venetian-blind effect


  1. "气相阻蚀剂, 气相防锈剂"英文
  2. "气箱"英文
  3. "气箱脉冲袋收尘器"英文
  4. "气箱排放塞"英文
  5. "气象"英文
  6. "气象办公室"英文
  7. "气象报"英文
  8. "气象报告"英文
  9. "气象报告范围"英文
  10. "气象报告天气报告"英文


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