

  • climatic atlas
  • climaticatlas
  • 气候:    climate; weather
  • 图册:    atlas; illustrated books
  • 气候图:    climagram; climagraph; climate chart; climatic chart; climatic diagram; climatic graph; climatic map; climaticgraph; climaticmap; climatograph; climatological chart; climatological hart; climogram; climograph
  • 古气候图:    palaeoclimatologic map
  • 农业气候图:    agroclimatic maps


        气候:    climate; weather
        图册:    atlas; illustrated books
        气候图:    climagram; climagraph; climate chart; climatic chart; climatic diagram; climatic graph; climatic map; climaticgraph; climaticmap; climatograph; climatological chart; climatological hart; climogram; climograph
        古气候图:    palaeoclimatologic map
        农业气候图:    agroclimatic maps
        气候图表:    climagram; climatic diagrams; climatograph; climatological diagram
        气候图集:    climatic atlas; climatological atlas
        气候图解:    climatic diagram
        气物气候图:    bioclimatogram
        生物气候图:    bioclimatograph
        水面气候图:    hydroclimograph
        小气候图:    microclimatic map
        物候图:    phenogram; phenologic maps; phenological chart
        地图册:    atlas; map
        参考海图册:    reference chart folios
        潮汐图册:    tidal atlas
        地籍图册:    cadastral maseries
        地图册;图表集:    atlas
        光谱图册:    spectrum atlas
        航海图册:    maritime atlas
        污染图册:    pollution atlas
        易损件图册:    album of vulnerable parts
        总布置图册:    booklet of general plans
        总图图册:    booklet of general drawing
        气候:    1.(气象情况) climate; weather 北极气候 arctic climate; 气候潮湿 damp climate; 赤道气候 equatorial climate; 大陆性气候 continental climate; 高原气候 plateau climate; 海洋性气候 oceanic climate2.(局势) climate; situation 政治气候 political climate; 动荡的政治气候 a climate of political unrest3.(结果; 成就) successful development 成不了气候 will not get anywhere; will not amount to anything; 气候带 climatic zone; 气候图 climagram; climatic chart; 气候预报 climatic prediction; 气候资料 climatological data


  1. "气候停工保险条款"英文
  2. "气候统计"英文
  3. "气候统计学"英文
  4. "气候图"英文
  5. "气候图表"英文
  6. "气候图集"英文
  7. "气候图解"英文
  8. "气候土壤型"英文
  9. "气候网"英文
  10. "气候危机演唱会"英文


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