They also suggest that methanogens would have filled niches that oxygen producers and sulfate reducers now occupy , giving them a much more prominent biological and climatic role than they have in the modern world 他们同时指出,过去的产甲烷菌宛如目前的造氧生物与硫酸盐还原生物一样?有优势,使它们当时在生物与气候上的地位远比现代重要。
It is shown that olr spread eastward more clearly in the eastern hemisphere , and the x is persistently spread eastward in both hemisphere ; the interannual variability of the spread of mjo is evident , with the intensity weakening during el nino events and sometimes spreading westward in individual years 气候上,在沿赤道的传播中, olr东半球较西半球明显, x东、西半球无显著差别;两种要素季内振荡沿向东南路径的传播较向东北路径的传播特征明显。异常表现为季内振荡强度在elnin 。
It involves selecting a list of the major historical storms which had induced severe landslips or flooding , computing the rainfall amounts brought by these storms to areas of different sizes , and maximizing these rainfall amounts to those that would be obtained if the water vapour content in the storms attained the climatological maximum 可能最大降水的计算过程是复杂的。主要考虑了曾经触发严重山泥倾泻和水浸的暴雨个案,计算了每个暴雨为不同面积所带来的降雨量,及把这些降雨量加大到暴雨的水汽是气候上最大值时所能释出的降雨量。