辐: spoke透: penetrate; pass through照度: illuminance; illuminancy; il ...单位: unit辐透照度单位: phote毫辐透: milliphot照度单位: unit of illuminance(物理)英尺烛光(照度单位): footcandle勒克司(照度单位),米烛光: luxebc色度单位: ebc colorunit埃(长度单位): angstrom unit标度单位: scale units泊粘度单位: poise长度单位: digit; fathom; length unit; linear measure; long measure; perch; plantation pole; unit of length长度单位制: linear measure尺度单位: pole稠度单位: uc; unit of consistency方(响度单位): phon辐射度单位: radiometric unit光度单位: light unit; photometric unit光亮度单位: light units光密度单位: optical density unit弧度单位: rad加速度单位: unit of acceleration角度单位: angular unit; units of angle