毫不: not in the least; not at all奇怪: strange; odd; queer; surpris ...地: the earth发现: find; discover奇怪地: anticly; monstrously; oddly; queerly; strangely; weirdly觉得奇怪地: wonderingly不奇怪的: nothing out of ordinary好不奇怪: just fancy好不奇怪!: Just fancy!难怪,并不奇怪: no wonder这不奇怪: no surprise一点也不奇怪: no wonder感觉空虚并不奇怪: no wonder why sometimes i'm feelin' under熟了就不奇怪了)熟人: acquaint惊奇地发现: be amazed to find be surprised to know慢慢地发现: slow to react无异常的,不显著的,不奇怪的: not remarkable可以可靠地发现: scandiskcanreliablydetect scandisk发现…不应该感到奇怪: it should come as no surprise to learn that奇怪: strange; odd; queer; surprising; curious; funny 说也奇怪 oddly enough; strange to say; 多奇怪! how odd! 真奇怪! that's queer indeed! 好不奇怪! just fancy! 好奇怪呀! what a wonder! 它听起来很奇怪。 it sounds queer. 这事有点奇怪。 there is something funny about the matter丑怪地: grotesquely古怪地: kinkily; oddly; weirdly奇怪,奇怪,真奇怪: rub-a-dub-dub大惊小怪地: fussily稀奇古怪地: curiously