毛象: woolly mammoth科: a branch of academic or voca ...毛象: [古生物] (猛犸) woolly mammoth象科: elephantidae; elephants; elephas; proboscidea长毛象: banthas; woolly mammoth豆象科: bruchidae; lariidae; mylabridae海象科: odobenidae; walrus蝽象科: reduviidae长毛象之旅: mammoth journey毛象虫科: rhinomaceridae长角象科: fungus weevil气象科技: meteorological science and technology嵌齿象科: gomphothere乳齿象科: mastodontidae三锥象科: brentidae食虫蝽象科: reduviidae始祖象科: moeritherium缘椿象科: correidae面向对象科技: ocdiscovery-长毛象重见天日: raising the mammothdiscovery系列-长毛象国度: discovery land of the mammoth长毛象重见天日: discovery raising the mammoth; raising the mammoth气象科学研究院: academy of meteorology食虫椿象科昆虫: reduviid现次象科学与技术: modern imaging science and technology