He came upon emil's mane, jaded and lather-stained, her bridle broken, chewing the scattered tufts of hay outside the stable door . 他发现爱弥儿的那匹牝马精疲力尽,身上的毛被汗水沾成一撮一撮的,马笼头也断了,它在马房门口啃嚼着零散干草。
The evolutional trends of the types of anticlinal walls of epidermal cells and epidermal hairs were discussed . 3 . pollen morphology pollen morphology of species from machilus in zhejiang was observed using sem 表皮细胞垂周壁的演化途径:平直一浅波状一深波状:毛被的演化趋势是:无毛一单毛。
Most of these species had simple hairs . the stomatal apparatus is paracytic type with one or two subsidiary on both or either side of the guard cells . three types of anticlinal walls of epidermal cells are recognized : straight , sinuolate or sinuate 表皮细胞垂周壁式样、气孔分布密度及式样、下表皮毛被的有无、多少及毛的长度、下表皮角质突起饰物的形态等具有一定的分类学意义。
The main results are summarized as follow : 1 . gross morphology on the basis of field observation and examimation of herbarium specimens , the variation pattern of all the major gross - morphology characters in machilus from zhejiang was studied , and their taxonomic significance was evaluated . the results show that the most reliable characters for the delimitation of species are the features of the leaf , the tepal and the fruits . the secondly important characters are the length and position of the florescence 形态性状分析分析结果表明:润楠属植物的分类性状主要有小枝、叶片、花序、花被片、果实等特征特性,其中花被片、叶片、果实是润楠属的重要分类性状;花序的长度及着生位置也是区分润楠属种间的重要标志之一;小枝的毛被在分类上具有第三位的重要性。