

[ bì ] 发音:   "毖"的汉语解释   用"毖"造句
  • Ⅰ动词
    1.[书面语] (谨慎小心) be cautious; use caution
    2.(采取预防措施) guard against; provide against
    3.(辅助) assist
    4.(犒劳; 慰劳) reward with food and drink
    (涌出的) gushing; flowing
  • 毖鳄龙:    betasuchus
  • 毙命:    [贬义] (丧命) meet violent death; get killed; lose one's life; be done for 两名匪徒当场毙命。 two of the bandits were killed on the spot
  • :    名词(货币) currency; money; coin 金币 gold coin; 纸币 paper currency; 外币 foreign currency
  • 毙了那狗:    shoot the dog
  • 币笆:    systemstart


  1. All right ! cool
  2. In 1975 , the new york daily news ran the headline " ford to city : drop dead " a day after president ford said he would veto any proposed federal bailout of new york city
    1975年10月30日,纽约日报头条刊登"福特总统来,纽约市倒" ,之前一天福特总统发对纽约市将优先股发给股东作为红利的提议
  3. Bne / o ( penghu ) aquarium is leaking water through the glass walls with visible cracks , although the manager assures visitors that it is a natural physical phenomenon and that there is no immediate safety concerns


        毖鳄龙:    betasuchus
        毙命:    [贬义] (丧命) meet violent death; get killed; lose one's life; be done for 两名匪徒当场毙命。 two of the bandits were killed on the spot
        :    名词(货币) currency; money; coin 金币 gold coin; 纸币 paper currency; 外币 foreign currency
        毙了那狗:    shoot the dog
        币笆:    systemstart
        毙了哈巴狗:    shoot the dog
        币别:    name of currency in chinese
        毙酷:    be cool
        币丙酯聚合:    allyl ester polymer
        毙蚕:    dead silkworm larvae


        毖的法语:名 avis;avertissement惩前~后tirer la leçon des erreurs passées pour en éviter le retour
        毖的日语:毖bì 慎重である.慎む.戒める.
        毖的韩语:【문어】 (1)[동사] 삼가다. 경계하다. 조심하다. 주의하다. 惩前毖后; 【성어】 이전의 실패를 교훈 삼아 이후에 더욱 삼가고 조심하다 (2)[동사] 수고하다. (3)[형용사] 샘물 따위가 흐르는 소리·모양. 毖彼泉水; 졸졸 흐르는 저 샘물
        毖的俄语:pinyin:bì гл. 1) остерегаться, предупреждать 2) стараться, напрягать силы души, быть озабоченным 3) бить ключом; вырываться (об источнике)
        毖什么意思:bì ㄅㄧˋ 1)谨慎:惩前~后(接受过去失败的教训,以后小心不重犯)。 2)操劳:“无~于恤”。 3)古同“泌”,泉水冒出流淌的样子。 敕始毖终 惩前毖后 鉴前毖后


  1. "毙蚕"英文
  2. "毙酷"英文
  3. "毙了哈巴狗"英文
  4. "毙了那狗"英文
  5. "毙命"英文
  6. "毖鳄龙"英文
  7. "币"英文
  8. "币笆"英文
  9. "币别"英文
  10. "币丙酯聚合"英文


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