

发音:   用"比较图像"造句
  • comparison picture


  1. Comparing with the sobel operator and the imaging the theory of ccd array gets the better edge detection image edges are computed by the edge detection of the ccd array
  2. Several objective and subjective quality assessments of fused image were given in this thesis . we compared the performance of various image fusion algorithms with these evaluation criteria . the influence on fusion performance of the number of decomposition levels , fusion rules and operators , the size of region applied to the multi - resolution image fusion method were studied in this paper


        比较:    compare; compare with; contr ...
        图像:    picture; image; presentation ...
        比较图象:    comparison picture
        比较图形学:    comparability graphics
        烟色比较图:    smoke chart
        百分率比较图:    chart of percentage comparisons
        视觉比较图片:    visual comparison chart
        比较好的图像:    reasonable image
        地较图幅:    chart sheet
        谱线比较式图像识别器:    spectral comparative pattern recognizer
        比较:    1.(对比) compare; compare with; contrast; parallel (with); comparison; by comparison; in comparison (with); opposed to; when opposed to 把译文和原文比较一下 check the translation against the original; 对两队所作的比较表明星期六的比赛很可能是势均力敌的。 a comparison of the two teams indicates that saturday's game will probably be close.2.(用来比较性状和程度的差别; 作介词用) 汽车的产量比较去年有显著的增长。 the output of cars shows a marked increase over last year.3.(具有一定程度; 作副词用) fairly; comparatively; relatively; quite; rather 比较公正 comparatively just [impartial]; 比较成熟 relatively mature; 比较习惯 quite accustomed to; 这里条件比较艰苦。 conditions are rather tough here.; 比较文学 comparative literature; 比较心理学comparative psychology; 比较语言学 comparative linguistics
        图像:    picture; image; presentation; tableau; pix; representation 立体图像 stereopicture; 图像保真度 eyefidelity; 图像符号 pictorial symbol; 图像合成 building-up of image; image synthesis; 图像录制 picture recording; 图像扫描 image scanning; 图像失真 image fault; distortion; image distortion; 图像识别 pattern recognition; 图像识别装置 pattern recognition device; 图像通信 picture communication; visual communication; 图像信号 picture signal; 图像信息 image information; 图像转换 image inversion; inversion of the image
        比较、等置:    gleichsetzung
        比较,对比:    ccompare; comparison
        比较,相比:    compare
        比较,相似:    comparison
        比较,协商:    cf.;cfr. confer
        比较表:    comparative statement; comparing watch; comparison sheet; comparison table
        比较大:    larger than smaller than
        比较单:    comparative list; competitive list; competitivelist
        比较的:    alternative; comparatives; compare---comparative; comparing; specific
        比较灯:    comparison lamp
        比较地:    comparatively; in comparison; relatively
        比较法:    comparative law; comparison method [test]◇比较法校准 comparison method calibration; 比较法研究 study of comparative law
        比较符:    comparison operators


  1. "比较通道"英文
  2. "比较统计地图"英文
  3. "比较投影仪"英文
  4. "比较投影仪;对比投影仪"英文
  5. "比较投资效果"英文
  6. "比较图象"英文
  7. "比较图形学"英文
  8. "比较屠宰法"英文
  9. "比较完善"英文
  10. "比较位置"英文


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