Comparing with the sobel operator and the imaging the theory of ccd array gets the better edge detection image edges are computed by the edge detection of the ccd array 比较图像边缘检测sobel算子及电荷耦合器件ccd角度考虑的两种算法,选取了一种精度较高的边缘检测的算法。
Several objective and subjective quality assessments of fused image were given in this thesis . we compared the performance of various image fusion algorithms with these evaluation criteria . the influence on fusion performance of the number of decomposition levels , fusion rules and operators , the size of region applied to the multi - resolution image fusion method were studied in this paper 论文对融合图像质量主观和客观评价方法进行了研究,利用这些评价方法对各种图像融合算法的性能进行了分析,并比较图像分解层数、特性区域大小、融合规则和融合算子的选择对各种多分辨率融合算法融合结果的影响,得出一些结论。