比: 2超: exceed; surpass; overtake卡比超级之星: kirby superstar最大百分比超调量: maximum percent overshoot经食管对比超声心动图: ctee contrast transesophageal echocardiographh经胸壁对比超声心动图: ctte contrast transthoracic echocardiographyy负差超声心动图,负性对比超声心动图: nce; negative contrast echocardiography浏阳比一比超市热舞的靓女: i ful you l比彻: beacher; becher; bitcher; henry ward beecher比长仪: comparator比彻城: beecher city比长一半: long again as比彻姆: beacham; beauchamp; thomas beecham比长计: comparator比彻姆(指挥): sir thomas beecham比长基线测量规范: specifications of the baseline measurements比彻姆集团: beecham group ltd比昌: bican