Bobby baker is one of britain s leading performance artists 芭比贝克是英国最优秀的表演艺术家之一。
Performance artist bobby baker explores issues through art and performance which radically affect our daily lives 表演艺术家芭比贝克通过艺术和表演探讨对我们日常生活产生重大影响的事件。
Bobby baker and daily life ltd . acknowledge the financial support of arts council england and the british council 芭比贝克以及“日常生活”有限公司向英国艺术协会和英国文化协会的经济赞助表示感谢。
Box story bobby baker s most successful project of the daily life series , box story was co - produced by lift and warwick arts centre 《盒中故事》是芭比贝克“日常生活”系列中最成功的一部,是她和伦敦国际戏剧节以及warwick艺术中心共同创作的。
Box story is the crowning moment of bobby baker s daily life series commissioned by lift in 1991 , celebrating the everyday whilst soaring to the realms of the sublime 《盒中故事》是1991年伦敦国际戏剧节委托芭比贝克创作的,成为她“日常生活”系列中登峰造极的一部作品,化腐朽为神奇地表现日常生活。