I must reach compi gne to - night , or i shall cause deep anxiety to my family 我必须在今夜到达贡比涅,不然就会使我家里人非常担心。
There is an excellent tavern at compi gne , well remembered by those who have ever been there 贡比涅有一家很豪华的旅馆,凡是曾经到过那儿的人大概都记得很清楚。
While the waiter was preparing his room , the hostess arose ; andrea assumed his most charming smile , and asked if he could have no . 3 , which he had occupied on his last stay at compi gne 当侍者为他收拾房间的时候,旅馆老板娘起来了,安德烈拿出他最可爱的微笑,问他是否能住在第三号房间,因为他上次来贡比涅也是住在那个房间里。
" whitey " was not a fast animal , but he kept up an easy , steady pace ; in three hours and a half andrea had traversed the nine leagues which separated him from compi gne , and four o clock struck as he reached the place where the coaches stop 追风马并不是一匹跑得很快的马,但它却走得很均匀而不停歇三个半钟头以后,安德烈走完了到贡比涅的二十七哩路,四点钟的时候,他已经到了公共驿车的终点。