Prevention and cure of the derzsy ' s disease depended on vaccine and antiserum , antibodies of eggs . the vaccines includes goose embryo and duck embryo vaccines which were used 1n breed goose and goslings , and those vaccines have great effect in breeding goose , but the entire virion live vaccines and attenuated vaccines exist many deficiencies . such as preclinical infection , dissemination of virus , recovery of viru5 , etc . those proplems can be sol / ed by producing genetic engineering " asclne 目前使用的疫苗分为种鹅用和雏鹅用的鹅胚和鸭胚化疫苗,这些疫苗在实际生产中发挥巨大作用,因其为全毒苗或弱毒苗,存在着潜伏感染,排毒散毒,毒力返祖的缺陷,基因工程疫苗的研制可解决上述问题。