Host resistance and fungal virulence parallel each other in the cross . 寄生的抗病性的病原菌的毒力在杂交中是势均力敌的。
Toxicity was reduced when nicotiana trichome exudates were removed by various washing methods . 当通过不同洗涤方法除去烟草属毛状体的分泌物时,毒力降低。
Many microorganisms synthesize and excrete compounds which are selectively toxic to other microorganisms . 许多微生物能合成并分泌一些对其它微生物具选择性毒力的化合物。
This will vary with the local or total number of virus sources, but also with the efficiency as a vector of the prevalent aphid clones . 带毒蚜的多少因地区或因毒源总数而异,但也与优势蚜群传毒力有关。
The higher potency strains belong to gene types 1 and 2 高毒力菌株属于基因类型1和2 。
毒: poison; toxin毒力,毒性: virulence毒力岛: hpi; pathogenicity island毒力及: rfbeo毒力原: vi antigen毒性;毒力: toxicity; virulence无毒力: avirulence钼毒力: molybdenum toxicity毒力无毒力变异: w variation残余毒力: residual toxicity超毒力的: supervirulent毒力变异: vi variation毒力减弱: attenuation of virulence; reduced virulence; virulence alteration; virulence attenuation of毒力抗体: vi antibody毒力抗原: v antigen; vi antigen; virulence antigen; virulent antigen毒力可逆性: reversibility of virulence毒力凝集: vi agglutination毒力凝集素: vi agglutinin毒力试验: virulence test毒力因子: virulence factor毒力指数: index of virulence抗毒力的: antivirulent神经毒力: neurovirulence提高毒力: exaltation of virulence无毒力病毒: avirulent virus
毒力的法语:toxicité pathogénicité pouvoir infectant virulence hypovirulence pouvoir pathogène avirulence毒力的日语:どくせい あくどく毒力的韩语:매우 심한 악의毒力的俄语:pinyin:dúlì токсичность; вирулентность毒力的阿拉伯语:إمراضية;