Hitherto the tropical cyclone warning for shipping is issued in english only . commencing today ( 11 august 2004 ) , the chinese version of the shipping warning is also available from the observatory s website once every three hours for use by personnel of shipping companies , mariners and members of the public who operate in chinese 船舶警告以往只以英文发放。现为方便使用中文的船公司人员、航海和公众人士,从今天( 2004年8月11日)起,天文台在网页内发放为船舶提供的热带气旋警告中文版,每三小时一次。
Hitherto the tropical cyclone warning for shipping is issued in english only . commencing today 11 august 2004 , the chinese version of the shipping warning is also available from the observatory s website once every three hours for use by personnel of shipping companies , mariners and members of the public who operate in chinese 船舶警告以往只以英文发放。现为方便使用中文的船公司人员、航海和公众人士,从今天( 2004年8月11日)起,天文台在网页内发放为船舶提供的热带气旋警告中文版,每三小时一次。
每: every; each; per三: three小时: hour一次: once每三小时: omni tertia hora; quaque teria hora; quaque tertia hora; ter hor; tertiis horis每小时一次: q.h每二小时一次: s in d h; semel in duabus horis每小时一次的: hourly每二小时一次的: bihourly三小时开车: three hours drive=a three-hour drive=a five minute walk三小时段指数: three-hour range index每三年一次的: triennial八小时一班制: eight hour shift; eihgt hour shift每小时一海里: knot每小时一食匙: omni hora cochleare一小时一小时地: hour by hour每三个月一次的: trimestral; trimestrial; trimonthly每三天发生一次的: tertian三小: three little pigs三小时尿液浓缩试验: three hours concentration test; volhard concentration test三小时全体地磁指数: three-hour geomagnetic planetary index我每三年休假一次i: have a furlough every three years时一: tokiichi每小时一班的公共汽车: an hourly bus service五小时一直不间断地工作: work for five hours without a break