She, with the truest affection, had been planning a most eligible connection for him . 她正怀着最真挚的母爱为他筹划一门最适当的婚姻。
She had been conscious of something faintly maternal in her efforts to guide and uplift him . 过去,她曾意识到自己尽力帮助他,鼓励他是出自朦胧的母爱。
His life contained such things as mothers and roses and ambitions and friends and immaculate thoughts and collars . 他生活中还有母爱,玫瑰,雄心,朋友,纯洁的思想和体面的衣着。
She did not know how to answer her mother's shrill, meaningless questions, put with the furious affectation of maternal concern . 她不知怎样回答母亲带着一种极为虚假的母爱向她提出的那些哀哀切切、一点意思也没有的问题。
Nothing approaches the love of a mother for her child 没有东西可以和母爱相比。
母爱剥夺: maternal deprivation母爱光辉: getting out母爱无价: cost of love母爱永恒: an apple a day keeps the doctor away; an artist lives everywhere母爱之真义: what motherhood really means伟大的母爱: there is no other需要母爱: need a mother care母爱剥夺综合症: maternaldeprivation syndrome母爱缺失征候群: deprivation syndrome你最突出的特质是什么? (母爱): your most marked characteristic丧母综合征,失母爱综合征: maternal deprivation syndrome伟大的母爱无所能及: love like a mother s love for her child如今,我知道,世间至爱也比不上母爱: now i know there is no other love like a mothers我知道,完美的母爱还是有离去的一天: i know that love so complete someday must leave绣字母爱尔兰白细麻布手帕: white irish linen handkerchief with embroidered initial因为我知道,世间至爱也比不上母爱: cause i know there is no other love like a mothers母爱如此浓烈却有散去的一天,真是让人心痛: and it hurts so that something so strong someday'll be gone; and it hurts so that something so strong someday’ll be gone母0母: muchi mc母-子不亲和性: mother-child incompatibility母-婴依恋淡薄: weak mother-infant attachment母 院 大 学: notre dame university母: Ⅰ名词1.(母亲) mother 家母 my mother; 继母 stepmother; 义母 adopted mother2.(泛指女性长辈) one's elderly female relatives 祖母 grandmother; 舅母 aunt (wife of one's mother's brother); 伯母 aunt (wife of one's father's brother)3.(配套的两件东西里的凹的一件) concave 螺母 nut4.(有产生出其他事物的能力或作用的事物) source; origin; parent 酒母 distiller's yeast; 航空母舰 aircraft carrier; 失败乃成功之母。 failure is the mother of success.5.(姓氏) a surname 母玮 mu weiⅡ形容词(雌性的) female 母鸡 hen; 母狮 lioness; 母虎 tigress; 母狼 she-wolf; 母鹿 doe