

  • segment search argument


        :    section; segment; part; para ...
        检索:    retrieval; retrieve; search; ...
        变量:    variable; variable quantity; ...
        安段检索变元:    field search argument
        字段检索:    search fields
        段检:    poc passage quality control
        轴索变性:    axonal degeneration
        检索:    retrieval; retrieve; search; searching 结构检索 structural retrieval; 联机检索 on-line retrieval; 机械化情报检索 mechanized information retrieval; 近似检索 false retrieval; 内容检索 content retrieval; 确定检索 diterministic retrieval; 随机检索 stochastic retrieval; 文件检索 document retrieval; 信息检索 information retrieval; 资料检索 data retrieval; 检索操作 search operation; 检索程序 search program; 检索存储器 search memory; 检索方法 search method; 检索卡片 key card; 检索库 search library; 检索员 searcher; 检索指令 search instruction
        波段检波器:    kaband detector kaa; ka-band detector ka
        船段检查:    block inspection
        段检人员:    poc passage quality control
        阶段检测:    phase detection,pd
        逐段检验法:    cut researching method
        字段检验:    field checking
        总段检验:    inspection of block
        变量:    [数学] variable; variable quantity; alternating quantity◇变量范围 range of variables; variable range; 变量函数 variable function; 变量系数 variation coefficient
        立体分段检验:    three-dimensional unit inspection
        尿液分段检查:    fractional examination of urine; fractional examination of utine
        平面分段检验:    inspection of panel
        焊接工段检验员:    welding inspector
        信息段检测序列:    frame-check sequence (fcs); sequence frame check; sequence, frame check (fcs)
        重复扩增片段检测:    repeat expansion detection
        表检索:    table search
        错检索:    false retrieval
        假检索:    false retrieval; false drop


  1. "段间向异性"英文
  2. "段间引用"英文
  3. "段肩"英文
  4. "段检"英文
  5. "段检人员"英文
  6. "段键"英文
  7. "段建春"英文
  8. "段建国"英文
  9. "段建芹"英文
  10. "段脚本"英文


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