残酷: cruel; brutal; inhuman; ruth ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...世界: world; global; earth再见,残酷的世界,它完了: goodbye, cruel world, it's over再见残酷的世界: goodbye cruel world这个残酷的世界上: into this evil world如果公平在这残酷的世界依然存在: if there's justice in this cruel world you're unhurt残酷的: brutish; cruel; cutthroat; inclement; ironfisted; merciless; red; relentless; rude; truculent; unmerciful残酷的,猛烈的: savage残酷的暗杀: cold blooded assassination残酷的场面: savage scenery残酷的对待: punishment残酷的国度: harsh realm残酷的竞争: a case of dog eat dog; rat race/ dog eat dog残酷的浪漫: nekromantik残酷的情人: the savage lover残酷的仁慈: cruel kindness残酷的人: harper harpy; hyaena; hyena残酷的上班: educating kidnappers残酷的夏日: can ku de xia tan残酷的行为: ferocious cruelty残酷的游戏: un jeu brutal残酷的欲望: lust to kill残酷的战争: cruel war残酷的丈夫: bluebeard