残: incomplete; deficient酒: alcoholic drink; wine; liquo ...为: support; stand for誓: swear; vow; pledge残酒: heeltap折箭为誓: a vow is taken with the breaking of an arrow -- an old custom like “kissing of the book”.; swear by breaking an arrow; break an arrow as a pledge; break an arrow in two and make a vow 折箭为誓, 洒酒奠地 take an oath, break an arrow and scatter a cup of wine on the ground指日为誓: swear by the sun杯底残酒: heeltap浓睡不消残酒: sound sleedid not dispel the taste of wine折箭为誓,洒酒奠地: take an oath,break an arrow and scatter a cup of wine on the ground折箭为誓洒酒奠地: take an oath break an arrow and scatter a cup of wine on the ground以喝酒为主的聚会: cocktail party鸡尾酒为女宾客所爱: situation cocktails appeal to women取代了琴酒为基酒的: vodka martini以葡萄酒为主的果汁酒: wine punch饮尽了你留在酒吧玻璃杯半杯残酒: drinking from the glass that you left on the bar饮尽了你留在酒吧玻璃杯的半杯残酒: drinking from the glass that you left on the bar夏布利产区,勃艮第酒种产区,以白葡萄酒为主: chablis以甜酒为主的鸡尾酒的一种: swizzle残旧: unserviceable残旧的: klunky残景: rainding残旧建筑物: obsolete building残晶结构,过渡性结晶结构: malcrystalline structure残旧行车道: dilapidated carriageway残晶结构: malcrystalline structure