

[ cánnián ] 发音:   "残年"的汉语解释   用"残年"造句
  • 1.(一年将尽的时候) the last days of the year
    2.(人的晚年) the evening of life; declining years 短语和例子
  • 残年短景:    at the end of the year
  • 残年多病:    be prone to illness in failing years
  • 残年晚景:    circumstances in one's decling years
  • 度此残年:    pass the end of the year
  • 风烛残年:    the declining age is like a candle in the wind.; old and ailing like a candle guttering in the wind.; short time left for aged people; the decline of life; when life is burning low (in one) like the candle before the wind


  1. What is there more opposed to health, than sickness; to strength and beauty, than decay and dissolution .
  2. What is there more opposed to health than sickness; to strength and beauty, than decay and dissolution .
  3. We also understand that the district is considering producing a coffee table publication featuring volunteers at work . it would be a good pr initiative
  4. " certainly ; i am come expressly on that account ; it has cost me much trouble to find you , but i had resolved on giving them into your hands , and if i had to recommence my search , it would occupy all the few remaining years of my life .
    “当然喽,我这次就是专门为这件事来的。我费了那么大的苦心来找你就是为了要把那些文件交给你我实在不想再来找一次了,要是再找一次的话,我的残年都要耗费在这上面啦。 ”


        残年短景:    at the end of the year
        残年多病:    be prone to illness in failing years
        残年晚景:    circumstances in one's decling years
        度此残年:    pass the end of the year
        风烛残年:    the declining age is like a candle in the wind.; old and ailing like a candle guttering in the wind.; short time left for aged people; the decline of life; when life is burning low (in one) like the candle before the wind
        已是风烛残年:    have one foot in the grave
        一个是风华正茂,一个是风烛残年:    i was a little surprised that he had married her,but these may-december alliances are commoner than one likes to admit.
        残泥:    mud
        残民自肥:    fatten oneself by exploiting the people
        残灭:    annihilate
        残念:    tot
        残梦:    the broken dream
        残尿感:    sensation of residual urine
        残毛:    vestigial seta


        残年的日语:〈書〉 (1)余生.余命.晩年. 残年晚景/晩年のありさま. 风烛zhú残年/老いて余命いくばくもない. (2)年末.年の暮れ.
        残年的韩语:[명사]【문어】 (1)(인생의) 만년. 여생. 残年晚景; 늙바탕. 노경(老境) (2)연말. 세밑.
        残年的俄语:pinyin:cánnián 1) остаток (остающиеся годы) жизни 2) в преклонных годах, старый 3) остаток года
        残年什么意思:cánnián ①指人的晚年:风烛~ㄧ~暮景。 ②一年将尽的时候:~将尽ㄧ倏忽过了~。


  1. "残毛"英文
  2. "残梦"英文
  3. "残灭"英文
  4. "残民自肥"英文
  5. "残泥"英文
  6. "残年短景"英文
  7. "残年多病"英文
  8. "残年晚景"英文
  9. "残念"英文
  10. "残尿感"英文


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