

  • maim
  • 残害:    do harm to; slaughter; cruel ...
  • 使:    send; tell sb. to do sth.
  • 重伤:    serious injury; severe wound
  • :    incomplete; deficient
  • :    Ⅰ形容词1.(不完整; 残缺) incomplete; deficient 残稿 an incomplete manuscript2.(剩余的; 将尽的) remnant; remaining 残敌 remnants of the enemy forces; 残冬 the last days of winter; 残烛 an expiring candle; 风卷残云。 the wind blows the scattered clouds away.3.(凶恶) oppressive; savage; barbarous; ferocious 凶残 cruelⅡ动词(伤害; 毁坏) injure; spoil; damage 摧残 destroy (life, talent); 身残志不残 broken in health but not in spirit


        残害:    do harm to; slaughter; cruel ...
        使:    send; tell sb. to do sth.
        重伤:    serious injury; severe wound
        :    incomplete; deficient
        :    Ⅰ形容词1.(不完整; 残缺) incomplete; deficient 残稿 an incomplete manuscript2.(剩余的; 将尽的) remnant; remaining 残敌 remnants of the enemy forces; 残冬 the last days of winter; 残烛 an expiring candle; 风卷残云。 the wind blows the scattered clouds away.3.(凶恶) oppressive; savage; barbarous; ferocious 凶残 cruelⅡ动词(伤害; 毁坏) injure; spoil; damage 摧残 destroy (life, talent); 身残志不残 broken in health but not in spirit
        残害:    do harm to; slaughter; cruelly injure or kill 残害肢体 cause bodily injury; 残害动物 do harm to animals
        重伤:    serious injury; severe wound◇重伤员 severely wounded person
        残 秋:    ende des herbstes
        残害者:    maimer
        使重叠:    lap
        使重和:    match together
        使重现:    reproduce reproduce
        零[余, 残]数:    fractional figure
        受重伤:    be badly hurt; catch a packet; cop a packet; get a packet; stop a packet
        严重伤:    severe injury
        重伤兵:    couchee
        重伤风:    bad cold; myxoidedema; severe cold
        重伤剂:    serious casualty agent
        重伤术:    harm
        重伤员:    stretcher case
        残害动物:    do harm to animals
        残害人命:    cruelty against human life
        残害身体:    mayhem
        残害尸体罪:    offence against dead bodies
        残害肢体:    cause bodily injury


  1. "残骸牺牲"英文
  2. "残骸线索"英文
  3. "残海"英文
  4. "残害"英文
  5. "残害动物"英文
  6. "残害人命"英文
  7. "残害身体"英文
  8. "残害尸体罪"英文
  9. "残害者"英文


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