

发音:   用"残存率"造句
  • survival rate
  • 残存:    remnant; surviving
  • :    rate; ratio; proportion
  • 残存:    remnant; remaining; surviving 大熊猫是一种残存的古动物。 the giant panda is one of the surviving ancient animals.; 残存岛 remnant islands; 残存函数 survival function; 残存结构 relict texture; 残存离子 survival ion; 残存曲线 survivor curve; 残存生物 relic; 残存时间 survival time; 残存束流 survival beam
  • 保存率:    percentage of seedling survival
  • 节存率:    saving ratio


        残存:    remnant; surviving
        :    rate; ratio; proportion
        残存:    remnant; remaining; surviving 大熊猫是一种残存的古动物。 the giant panda is one of the surviving ancient animals.; 残存岛 remnant islands; 残存函数 survival function; 残存结构 relict texture; 残存离子 survival ion; 残存曲线 survivor curve; 残存生物 relic; 残存时间 survival time; 残存束流 survival beam
        保存率:    percentage of seedling survival
        节存率:    saving ratio
        库存率:    stock-sales ratio
        生存率:    dfs; efs; fraction survival rate; fraction surviving; survival rate
        累计生存率:    accumulative survival rate
        热能储存率:    storage rate of thermal energy
        十年生存率:    ten-year survival rate
        无瘤生存率:    disease free survival
        中数生存率:    median survival rate
        总生存率:    os overall survival
        残存岛:    remnant islands
        残存的:    persistent
        残存卵:    remnant eggs
        残存束:    remnant beam
        残存数:    extant number
        残存物:    survival; survivor
        残存性:    survivability
        残存油:    residual oil
        残存者:    remnant; survival 北海道的阿伊努人是史前某个种族的最后残存者。 the ainu settlers in hokkaido are the last remnant of a prehistoric race
        幸存,残存:    survive(from)
        超高速缓存率:    cache ability
        维生素保存率:    vitamin retention


  1. "残存几率;存活率"英文
  2. "残存价值"英文
  3. "残存结构"英文
  4. "残存空气"英文
  5. "残存离子"英文
  6. "残存卵"英文
  7. "残存能力"英文
  8. "残存排水量"英文
  9. "残存葡萄胎"英文
  10. "残存瀑学"英文


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