Predictive control have gotten good practical effect in kinds of complex production procedure 本文研究了离散时滞系统和带正弦干扰的连续时滞系统的预测控制问题。
Secondly , we analyse the anti - jamming performance of coherent csk system and non - coherent dcsk system under a narrowband sine wave jamming , and analyse the performance of chaotic communication system under coexisting with a conventional spread spectrum communication system , such as direct - sequence spread spectrum ( ds - ss ) system 其次,详细分析了相干csk系统和非相干dcsk系统的抗窄带正弦干扰能力,以及与传统扩频通信系统(以ds - ss为例)共存时,传统扩频通信系统对它们的影响。