正常: normal; regular; average关节: joint; articulation; articul ...移动: shift; move关节移动度: range of joint excursion关节移动性过强: hypermotility of joint正常关节活动度: normal range of joint motion季节移动: seasonal movement正常关系: arm's length relationship; normal relation膝关节移植术: transplantation of knee joint平均季节移动: average seasonal shift正常关闭时间: normal closing hours正常关闭信号: normal closed signal; normal danger signal异常关节运动: abnormal joint movement血管蒂关节移植术: vascular pedicle joint graft国家间正常关系: normal inter-state relations与市场的正常关系: normal alignment with market常关: normally closed移动关节: prismatic joint节移法: mode shift method常关的: nc = normally closed常关阀: normal close valve桡侧脘关节不正常: radial carpal joint irregularity波节移法: node-shift method双字节移位: double byte shift正常髋关节x线片上的曲线: shenton's line