

发音:   用"正反对"造句
  • antithetic
  • contradictory
  • 正反:    positive and negative
  • :    answer; reply
  • 赞成反对, 正反论据:    pro and con
  • 正反:    positive and negative 总结正反两方面的经验 sum up both positive and negative experience; 正反两方面的看法 the pros and cons; 正反配板法 book matching; 正反射 normal reflection
  • 正反差:    dark contrast; positive contrast; positvei contrast


        正反:    positive and negative
        :    answer; reply
        赞成反对, 正反论据:    pro and con
        正反:    positive and negative 总结正反两方面的经验 sum up both positive and negative experience; 正反两方面的看法 the pros and cons; 正反配板法 book matching; 正反射 normal reflection
        反对:    oppose; be opposed to; object to; be against; fight; combat 反对命令主义 struggle against commandism; 反对不正之风 combat unhealthy trends; 反对官僚主义 combat bureaucracy; 反对铺张浪费 combat extravagance and waste; 反对贪污浪费 fight against corruption and waste; 反对偷工减料 struggle against cheating on government contracts; 反对偷税漏税 struggle against tax evasion; 反对违法乱纪 struggle against violations of the law and discipline; 反对行贿 struggle against capitalist bribery of government workers; 反对资产阶级自由化 oppose bourgeois liberalization; 持反对意见 hold opposite opinions; 遭到反对 meet opposition; 有反对意见吗? any objection? 要提倡唯物辩证法, 反对形而上学和烦琐哲学。 promote materialist dialectics and oppose metaphysics and scholasticism.; 反对党 opposition; opposition party; 反对派 opposition faction; 反对票 dissenting vote; negative vote; 反对证书 counterdeed
        正反差:    dark contrast; positive contrast; positvei contrast
        正反合:    dopamine; japan ver; mnet 20s choice
        正反交:    reciprocal crosses; reciprocal crossings
        正反馈:    feedback positive; feedforward; positive regeneration; positivefeedback; regenerate; regenerative feedback
        正反力:    positive reaction
        正反码:    positive and inverse code
        正反面:    pros and cons
        正反器:    flip-flop
        正反射:    front reflection; normal reflection; normal reflecton; regular reflection
        正反握:    alternate grip; combined grip
        正反向:    forward and reverse
        正反应:    direct reaction; forward reaction; positive reaction
        反对;反对书:    objection
        阳性反应;正反应;正反力。:    positive reaction
        暗反差;正反差:    dark contrast
        标志正反器:    flag flip-flop
        成正反比:    a is positively proportional to
        储存正反器:    storge flip-flop
        动态正反器:    dynamic flipflop
        翻正反射:    righting reflex


  1. "正反并进侧点步"英文
  2. "正反测验"英文
  3. "正反差"英文
  4. "正反铲挖土机"英文
  5. "正反电路"英文
  6. "正反二面可穿外衣"英文
  7. "正反峰间隔值"英文
  8. "正反感情并存"英文
  9. "正反光楔法"英文
  10. "正反合"英文


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