- mark of justice
- 正义: justice
- 烙印: brand; sear; stigma
- 烙印: brand; sear; stigma (pl. stigmata) 在大农场, 牲畜通常是打烙印的。 on big farms cattle are usually stamped with brands
- 正义: 1.(公正的道理) justice 正义之师 an army dedicated to a just cause; 主持正义 uphold justice; 伸张正义 promote justice2.(公正的) just; righteous 正义的立场 a just stand; 正义的事业 a just cause; 正义战争 just war3.(正当的或正确的意义) (of a language or writing) proper [correct] sense; 正义性 sense of justice
- 打烙印: branding; stigmatize