止住: stop; halt; desist; bring to ...伤口疼痛: The wound ached.止住伤口出血: stop wound止住伤口的血: stop a wound伤口疼痛: the wound ached伤口疼: they hurt我的伤口疼: he wound is hurting伤口疼得揪心: there was a gnawing pain from the wound止住: stop; halt; desist; bring to a stop心口疼: all time drama伤口: vulnus (pl. vulneva); wound 缝合伤口 stitch up a wound; 蛇咬的伤口 a snake bite; 流血的伤口 bleeding wound; 伤口化脓了。 the wound gathered [suppurated]. 伤口长皮了。 the wound skinned over. 这伤口仍在流浓。 the wound is still discharging pus. 我手指上的伤口已经好了。 the cut in my finger has healed.; 伤口愈合 wound healing愈合缓慢的伤口引起的粘连疼痛: painful adhesions caused by a wound that is slow to heal疼痛: pain; ache; soreness 全身疼痛 ache all over; general aching; 伤口疼痛。 the wound ached挺得住伤痛: can bear pains放慢, 止住, 控制: rein in; rein up退后;支持;阻止住: back up用棘爪止住: pawl止住锚链: to chain the cable止住某人: prevent sb/sth from continuing stosb/sth被解雇, 突然止住: get the chop创伤,伤口: wounds大伤口: gash缝伤口: sew up wound伤,伤口: wound伤口,创口: wds