Make for yourself an ark of gopher wood with rooms in it , and make it safe from the water inside and out 14你要用歌斐木造一只方舟、分一间一间的造、里外抹上松香。
Make thee an ark of gopher wood ; rooms shalt thou make in the ark , and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch 14你要用歌斐木造一只方舟,分一间一间地造,里外抹上松香。
Make yourself an ark of gopher wood ; you shall make rooms in the ark and shall cover it within and without with pitch 14你要用歌斐木造一只方舟,里面要有隔间,方舟内外要涂上松香。
" make for yourself an ark of gopher wood ; you shall make the ark with rooms , and shall cover it inside and out with pitch 创6 : 14你要用歌斐木造一只方舟、分一间一间的造、里外抹上松香。
Gen 6 : 14 make thee an ark of gopher wood ; rooms shalt thou make in the ark , and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch 创6 : 14你要用歌斐木造一只方舟,分一间一间地造,里外抹上松香。