歌女: singsong girl红: red艳: gorgeous; colourful; gaudy红菱艳: red belt; the red shoes歌女红玫瑰: red rose, the songstress歌女红牡丹: sing-song girl red peony; song girl red peony女红: needlework彩菱艳: the colourful water chestnut采红菱: djrainman rmx; picking red water chestnuts红菱血: the red shoes红菱鲷: red boarfish水红菱: keep your chin up小歌女: xiao ge nu女红花子: fruit of princesplume ladysthumb红菱废石: akadialyte红菱沸石: acadialite; acadialith红菱镁铁矿: eisenbrucite红菱铁镁矿: brugnatellite红菱血-上集: mysterious murder, part one红菱血-下集: mysterious murder, part two阿蒙的歌女: amoun’s female singer带枪的歌女: gunsling singer疯狂歌女: desperate songstress歌女之歌: song of a songstress红伶歌女: opera stars and song girls