Ⅰ动词 1.(休息) have a rest; rest; break 短语和例子 歇一会儿 have a short rest; have a break; rest for a while;你歇够了吗? are you quite rested? 我们在上山途中歇了好几次。 we had several rests on our way up the mountain.2.(停止) stop (work, etc.); knock off 短语和例子 歇会儿, 喝杯茶。 let's knock off for a cup of tea.3.[方言] (睡) go to bed; sleep 短语和例子 你歇了吗 ? are you in bed?Ⅱ名词 1.[方言] (一会儿) a little while 2.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 歇方 xie fang
歇 (阿州): marshall county, iowa歇 (堪斯州): marshall county, kansas歇 (克拉荷州): marshall county, oklahoma歇 (肯塔基州): marshall county, kentucky歇 (田西州): marshall county, tennessee歇 (伊利伊州): marshall county, illinois歇 (印地安州): marshall county, indiana歇 (密西西比州): marshall county, mississippi些子: a little些约翰: johann strauss些许小事: just some small matter些许故事: historias mí minimal stories些许的: trifling