欧: a surname普: general; universal雷: thunder图: picture; chart; drawing; map历史: history; past records名: time; times; days镇: garrison post欧鲁普雷图: ouro preto欧鲁普雷图河: ouro preto river欧鲁普雷图议定书: ouro preto protocol巴鲁普雷图: barro preto皮涅鲁普雷图: pinheiro preto历史名城: famous historical city; the city in history历史名人: great names in history历史名胜: historical site历史名园: historic garden; historical garden and park鲁普雷: roupret中国历史文化名镇: historic towns of china里奥普雷图: rio preto普雷图河: preto river普雷图沙: pretusha普雷图斯: pretus岭南历史名人: historic celebrities外国历史名将: exe( 1,073,k)中国历史名将: exe( 615,k)