欧洲: Europe同盟: alliance; league欧洲同盟: the euopean union欧洲联盟,欧盟: european union欧洲同步辐射实验室: european synchrotron radiation facility欧洲同性恋运动联会: european gay and lesbian sport federationeu =european union欧洲联盟,欧盟。: eu欧洲共同体(又称欧盟): ec欧洲钢铁同盟: european iron and steel community欧洲关税同盟: ude unione doganale europea欧洲广播同盟: ebu european broadcasting union欧洲货币同盟: european monetary union欧洲支付同盟: epu; european payment union; european payments union欧盟: eec; euro ii emission standard; euro ii emissions standards; euro iii emissions standards; euroii vehicle; euroiii vehicle; european council; europische union, die欧洲同步卫星导航覆盖系统: egnos欧洲委员会 (非欧盟机构): council of europe洲同性: european gay and lesbian sport federation欧洲共同体工业同盟协会: union of industries of the european community欧洲经济和货币同盟: european economic and monetary union欧洲经济与货币同盟: european economic and monetary union同盟: alliance; league 结成同盟 form [enter into] an alliance; 订立攻守同盟 form an offensive and defensive alliance; 同盟国 ally; allied nations; the central powers (第一次世界大战); the allies (第二次世界大战); 同盟军 allied forces; allies; 同盟条约 treaty of alliance; 同盟者 member of the alliance不属于欧盟的北约欧洲成员: non-eu european nato members欧洲工业和雇主联合会同盟: union of industrial and employers' confederations of europe欧盟法: the european union law非洲同一组织: oau = organization of african unity