欧洲: Europe气候: climate; weather网络: network; electric network me ...非洲气候网: climate network africa气候网: climnet拉丁美洲气候行动网络: climate action network latin america欧洲气候学和自然灾害方案: epoch欧洲气象办事处: european meteorological office欧洲气象电信网: meteorological operational telecommunications network of europe欧洲气象卫星组织: european organization for the exploitation of meteorological; satellite欧洲气象卫星利用组织: european organization for the exploitation of meteorological satellites非洲气候学区域技术合作网: regional technical cooperation network in africa on climatology测候网: reseau欧洲网络: european network气候行动网络: can; climate action network欧洲气体控制器制造商协会: egcma; european gas control manufacturers' association欧洲气压调节器制造商联合会: faregaz; uefa union of european manufacturers of gas pressure controllers; union of european manufacturers of gas pressure controllers欧洲城市气候联盟: climate alliance of european cities欧洲信息网络: ein欧洲电报交换网络: gentex欧洲航天局网络: european space agency network欧洲计算机网络: european computer network欧洲科研网络协会: rare欧洲神经网络学会: enns; european neural network society欧洲神经元网络: european neural network society