欧洲: Europe森林: forest; timber; sylva; silva ...研究所: research institute挪威森林研究所: norwegian forest research institute欧洲森林部门展望研究: european forest sector outlook study森林研究员: forest research officer果林研究所: fruit tree research institute保护欧洲森林: preservation of european forest森林研究对话: dialogue on forest research罗斯林研究所: roslin institute欧洲森林保护论坛: european forum on forest protection非洲森林展望研究: forestry outlook study for africa斯隆-凯特林研究所: sloan-kettering institute保护欧洲森林部长级会议: ministerial conference on the protection of forests in europe欧洲森林所有者联合会: confederation of european forest owners欧洲森林遗传资源方案: european forest genetic resources programme北欧森林研究合作委员会: nordic forest research cooperation committee; sns非洲热带森林研究局: inter-african bureau for research on tropical forestry国际北方森林研究协会: international boreal forest research association富兰克林研究所学报: journal of franklin institute保护欧洲森林赫尔辛基部长级会议: helsinki ministerial conference on the protection of forests in europe弗兰克林研究所生化研究基金会: biochemical research foundation of the franklin institute森林消防研究所: ffri=forest fire research institute; forest fire research i titute; forest fire research institute非洲应用森林研究和发展中心: african centre for applied forestry research and development关于森林研究和信息系统的国际磋商会: international consultation on research and information systems in forestry