Narkiewiczi : i think first of all , you should combine several different drugs to achieve appropriated blood pressure 欧洲高血压协会和欧洲心脏病学会颁布的最新指南强调了联合治疗的作用。
The finnish acute heart failure study ( finn - akva ) describes the first population of consecutive ahf patients defined according to the european society of cardiology criteria , as distinct to the euro heart failure survey 芬兰急性心衰研究( finn - akva )描述了第一群连续急性心力衰竭的患者,根据欧洲心脏病学会标准定义,有别于欧洲心衰调查。
欧洲: Europe心脏病: heart disease; heart trouble ...学会: learn; master美洲心脏病学会: inter-american society of cardiology欧洲心脏病学学术大会: esc欧洲心脏学会: esc; european society of cardiology国际心脏病学会: international society of cardiology美国心脏病学会: acc; american college of cardiology亚太心脏病学会: asian-pacific society of cardiology欧洲儿科心脏病学家协会: aepc; association of european pediatric cardiologists国际心脏病学会和联合会: international society and federation of cardiology国际心脏病学会联合会: international society for federation of cardiology; isfc美国心脏病学学会会员: fellow of the american college of cardiology亚洲太平洋心脏病学会: apsc; asian-pacific society of cardiology核心脏病学: nuclear cardiology心脏病学: cardiology; cordiology; kardiologiya心脏病学报: acta cardiologica心脏病学的: cardiological心脏病学家: cardiologist轩心脏病学: pdc; pediatrics cardiology肾脏病学会: society of kidney troubles儿科心脏病学: pediatric cardiology分子心脏病学: molecular cardiology临床心脏病学: clinical cardiology小儿心脏病学: pdc pediatrics cardiology