欧洲: Europe开始欧洲之旅: set off for europe非洲之旅: out of africa欧洲之王室: the reigning royalty of europe欧洲之星: eurostar欧洲之行: a trip to europe soon欧洲之巅: top of europe布什总统亚洲之旅: president bush's trito asia亚洲之旅第三站: the third stoon his asian tour欧洲之星牌大客车: eurostar之旅: ape; contact; sfc大西洋位于欧洲与美洲之间: the atlantic ocean lies between europe and america洲之内: sunouchi洲之星: eurostar非洲之风: africa wind非洲之花: afrikan flower非洲之角: horn of africa非洲之矛: umkhonto we sizwe非洲之梦: i dreamed of africa非洲之声: la voix africaine; voice of africa; voix africaine la; voz do africana非洲之星: afrika nyota; nyota afrika; star of africa&非洲之鹰: african eagle非洲之巅: kilimanjar to the roof of africa; kilimanjaro in twilight加洲之梦: california dreaming美洲之家: home of the americas; la casa de las americas