Nucleoli do not emerge in this process . the number of the organelles increase until secondary spermatocyte stage . mitochondria accumulate together , merging together with lysosomes and golgi bodies at the early spermatid stage , and finally the lamellar structure is formed , which forms the acrosome at last 在精子发生过程中,线粒体、内质网和核糖体逐渐增多,其中线粒体数目在次级精母细胞阶段达到顶峰,并形成线粒体区,精细胞早期核内出现膜性泡结构,同时次级溶酶体与高尔基体大量存在,这些细胞器共同形成片层复合体,并参与顶体的形成。
These suggested that so2 may affect body immunity to a certain degree . ( 3 ) effects on mouse thymus of so2 challenge : he staining showed no obvious structure changes of thymus in all treatment groups compaired with the control group ; the ultrastructure of thymus can be seen injured in so2 treated groups from tem observation ( 3 )二氧化硫染毒对小鼠胸腺组织学结构影响较小:用透射电镜观察发现胸腺组织中有部分淋巴细胞变形且异染色质增多,胸腺上皮细胞中可见次级溶酶体增多,线粒体变形,这说明二氧化硫可能对中枢免疫器官也有一定的不良影响。