次: order; sequence总成: assembly总成对称轴: axis of total symmetry主总成对称轴: common axis of total symmetry; principal axis of total symmetry总成对称: total symmetry主要合成对称轴: common axis of total symmetry对称轴: axial symmetry; axis of symmetry; symmetric axis; symmetrical axis; symmetrical shaft; symmetry axis对称轴;旋转对称轴: axis of symmetry;rotation-axis常对称轴: common axis of symmetry; ordinary axis of symmetry次对称轴: secondary axis of symmetry对称轴面: axial plane of symmetry对称轴平面: axial plane of symmetry对称轴线: diad二次对称轴: axis of binary symmetry; diadaxis; digonal; two-fold axis of symmetry二重对称轴: two fold axis of symmetry; two-fold axis of symmetry更迭对称轴: alternating axes; alternating axis of symmetry; alternation axis of symmetry光学对称轴: optical axis of symmetry画对称轴: hdcz机身对称轴: fuselage axis of symmetry极性对称轴: polar symmetry axis假对称轴: axis of pseudosymmetry简单对称轴: simple axis of symmetry交错对称轴: alternating axes; alternating axis of symmetry镜像对称轴: mirror axis六次对称轴: axis of hexagonal symmetry; hexad axis; hexagonal axis; hexagonalaxis; six fold axis of symmetry; six-fold axis of symmetry