The ice sheets that cover greenland and antarctica now are remnants of this and previous ice ages . 现在覆盖着格陵兰和南极的冰盖就是上述冰块和以前几次冰期的遗留物。
The last glacial is an important period in the study of global change 末次冰期是全球变化研究的一个重点时段。
Late pleistocene glaciation of the hulifang massif of gongwang mountains in yunnan province 云南东北部拱王山末次冰期
Grain size parameters of loess - palaeosol deposits from graphic and moment methods : a comparative study 末次冰期旋回风成沉积物图解法与矩值法粒度参数的对比
The circumstances surrounding these glaciations were long unexplained , but the methane hypothesis provides compelling answers here as well 这几次冰期前后的环境始终不明,但甲烷的假说同样为此提供了具说服力的答案。