But the interaction on each other is the same if they have the same velocity . pressure has no distinct changes , but the change of side force is obvious . with the increase of vehicle velocity , the yawing tendency is intensified , and the roll tendency is also intensified during vehicles standing at parity 在会车过程中,随着速度的增大,车辆间的相互作用逐渐加强;随着车辆间距的增大,车辆间距的增大致使车体间相互作用减弱,但由于车辆等速造成车体间相互作用相等;车身表面压力在交会过程中变化不大,但侧向力变化较大,随着速度的增大,侧向力变化明显,车辆在刚交会时横摆趋势增大,在车体同位时侧倾趋势加强。
For vehicles overtaking , with the increase of the other vehicle speed , pressure and side force of the overtaken vehicle also increase , especially for side force , its change is obvious , but with the increase of distance , the result is contrary . when the overtaken vehicle lies in front of the other , the yawing tendency is strengthened . and when vehicles stand at parity , the roll tendency is also strengthened 在超车过程中,被超车辆的车身表面压力和受到的侧向力随着超车速度增大而加强,随着间距增大而减弱,但增大超车速度时,侧向力变化显著;被超车车辆在超车车辆前方时横摆趋势增强,与超车车辆同位时侧倾趋势加大。
横: harsh and unreasonable; perv ...摆: put; arrange; set in order趋势: trend; tendency; drift; curr ...横摆: sway横摆(吊杆): slew横摆臂: track arm横摆角: yaw angle横摆梭: transverse shuttle趋势: trend; tendency; drift; current; tide 当今的政治趋势 the political trends of the time; 精简机构的趋势 a tendency towards simpler administration; 现代生活的趋势 the trend of modern living; 事情的一般趋势 the general drift of affairs; 舆论的趋势 the tide of public opinion 横摆测定仪: ym yaw meter横摆焊缝: weave technique weld横摆角速度: yaw velocity; yawing rate横摆力矩: yawing moment横摆运动: weaving焊丝横摆频率: weaving speed of wire焊条横摆速度: weaving speed of electrode焊线横摆速度: weaving speed of electrode横摆力矩系数: yawing moment coefficient横摆式撒布机: side-to-side pendulum-type distributor横摆式撒面机: side to side pendulum type distributor横摆振动频率: yawing rate纵倾横倾横摆: p y r pitch yaw roll编织摆横摆运条: weaving大趋势: megatrends; general trend方向,趋势: trend